I am at a point in my walk where a particular subject keeps coming up...it is like the Lord is graciously showing me in blinking lights His awesome wisdom, power, and creativity over and over again through the way He connects us. And I am grateful.
He is showing me His handiwork- His handiwork in weaving together lives, crossing paths, and writing chapters in lives that overlap . His providential placement of people and events in my life makes me stand back in wonderment. How He uses those crossed paths to affect others and bring Himself glory has me amazed. And how He continually makes these events happen as if they were planned before time began (which they were) utterly astounds me. We tend to look at life as a bunch of random, chance happenings. Probably because it is too overwhelming to think that any one thing or person could arrange it all. But He does. When you take the time to step back and connect the dots of your life-it is out of control crazy how awesome His plan is. Step back and look at your tapestry.
Case in point- on our first trip to Ethiopia we were with four other families from our adoption agency. These families were from Texas, California, Connecticut, and Washington state. We stayed together in a small guest house in Addis-we traveled north to Mekele and back together on an airplane and shared some of the most special, emotional days of our lives together. We braved Addis Ababa traffic in a "blue donkey" together. We broke bread together. One of these families briefly worked with an Ethiopian NGO in Korah(the massive trash dump for the city of Addis). . She had some familiarity with the area and some folks there-and she knew a driver, so we took a day trip there together when we got back to Addis. The threads had been put in place on the loom for this tapestry. While there, we saw some of the most gut-wrenching poverty on the planet. "Korah" means "cursed" in Amharic. Folks who live there are often considered cursed because of poverty and sickness. We left Korah changed that day.
These are typical homes found around Korah. The mountain you see in the background is actually trash. These poorest of the poor dig for items they can recycle for a little money AND they dig for their meals here.
Fast forward a couple of weeks...our family along with another family from our adoption agency decided to sponsor a child through an American non-profit group that was helping this Ethiopian NGO(that we were made aware of by the same adoptive parent who brought us to Korah). We did not realize that this group would soon be severing ties with the Ethiopian NGO. We had learned the stories of the children we were sponsoring...we had seen where they lived...we knew that they were relying on us to pay their school fees(in Ethiopia everyone has to pay to go to school-so obviously the very poor have no chance unless someone comes along side them to help). We also were excited about the fact that our friends in Ethiopia had rented a structure in Korah where the kids could come and learn about the Gospel. They also could receive tutoring in their school work. Occasionally they would be able to receive a meal there. If a church or another entity did not come alongside this Ethiopian NGO, they would not be able to continue their work in the community. They would lose the building they rent which serves as a community center where Jesus is shared with these children. Our kids would not be able to attend school.
Fast forward another couple of weeks....our family traveled back to Ethiopia for our adoption embassy trip. This time, only 2 other adoptive families from our original group were there, and one left shortly after we arrived. One family spent the entire week with us and happened to be the other family that decided to sponsor a child in Korah. The Lord knew what He was doing when He planned for us to spend a second week in Ethiopia together. We were on a mission(that we were unaware of at this time)-and it was not just to bring our adopted children home. Part of it involved wrecking our hearts AGAIN for the people of Korah and He would use both of us in this next series of threads.
Proverbs 24:12
" Once our eyes are opened, we cannot pretend we do not know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know and holds us responsible to act."
So-the Box family and the Easters went back to Korah. We visited our friends at ACDO(Access Children Development Organization). Nati is a young fellow who is currently in college. He was a Compassion International kid y'all-an American family sponsored him so he could go to school. Good stuff. He loves the Lord and is studying social work in college now while giving back to his community. His brother Ashu works for a local church and also helps with the organization, and Areghegn is the head of the NGO there. They love the Lord. While we were there, we actually went in to the homes of the children we sponsor. We brought them clothing, food, and prayed for them. We took our friends from ACDO out to a traditional Ethiopian meal and discussed how we could come along side them and help share Jesus with the people of Korah. We collectively decided that the Box and Easter family would continue to sponsor our children by privately sending money until we could get a non-profit up and going in the states to help solicit more sponsorships. We have had a couple of other friends and family members who are trusting us to arrange their sponsorships as well until we have an official non-profit in place. We are sharing Jesus with these kids...one kid at a time. We prayed that ACDO could hold on in the meantime financially(because starting a non profit in the US takes a stupid long time and requires stupid hoop jumping). Yes-I said stupid.
This is Yenesu-the child we sponsor, standing inside his home. I sat on that bench when we visited his family. By sponsoring him, we are allowing him to attend school-the first step in stopping the cycle of abject poverty that keeps his family hostage.
Suzanne's sponsor child in the green dress is Tihunia. Through Suzanne's sponsorship and extra gifts she is able to attend school and also move to a structure with concrete walls and a tin roof. This is a huge thing-especially during the rainy season in Ethiopia.
And then a plan took effect. A plan that the Lord had already chosen the thread for...the thread that would be woven into an even larger tapestry than we would imagine at the time. One of the things that happens at the ACDO center is that there are women who are learning the trade of making beaded jewelry. On our first trip we purchased a couple of necklaces. On our second trip, Suzanne purchased a bundle-not really sure of what would happen with the hundred-plus necklaces she purchased.
Our sweet lady friends in Korah making jewelry at ACDOs center. By buying this jewelry, we are empowering women and providing job opportunities. 100% of the proceeds of the sales of this jewelry go to the women. We are working to establish relationships with them and to help them see their value in the God who made them. If you are interested in this jewelry and supporting the women of Korah-please contact me.
You see, Suzanne works with another non-profit in another African country. In fact-a couple of weeks after our trip to Ethiopia she was traveling to Kenya with Mercy House. Many of you have heard about it. Mercy House Kenya is headed up by the same woman (Kristen) who blogs at We are That family. They were in the beginning process of starting something called Free Trade Fridays where American women could join and receive a special free-trade item once a month. You can read about it here http://mercyhousekenya.org/blog/2014/7/20/introducing-fair-trade-friday.html .
Well..in all His wisdom and tapestry weaving goodness-The Lord blessed this Free Trade Friday idea and they will be using some of the necklaces from our dear friends in Korah. So what is sooo cool about this? The fact that the Lord put Suzanne in two places at just the right time...to bless the poor and to bring Him glory. Two tapestries connected to make an even larger one. He introduced her to the ladies at Korah in Ethiopia and gave her an opportunity to bless the ladies at Mercy House Kenya as a result. The sales of the necklaces through the Mercy House Free Trade Friday opportunity will help the ladies in Korah and the ladies in Kenya. Our God is big, y'all.
In addition-he brought Suzanne and I together-both of us with a strong hunger to get a non-profit off the ground here in the states so we can continue to help the folks in Korah. We want to have an organization that can handle the sponsorships of these children(60+), help promote and sell the jewelry made by the ladies, and even bring together folks to travel to Ethiopia to minister in medical and other ways to the community. I don't know what He was thinking when he put two VERY strong-willed adoptive mommas together..but I am sure it was because what we will be doing will be requiring some extra strong will! That particular thread in the tapestry must be a very colorful and strong one! I am very thankful for my new friend Suzanne. I am thankful for other believers who are passionate like her. I am grateful that the Lord let us cross paths. To Him be the glory in our friendship.
In the meantime-I would like to ask for some specific prayer requests. Please join me in praying for the people in Korah. That Jesus is made real to them by the efforts of the men at ACDO. Please pray that the Lord sustains ACDO until a stateside organization that we are forming(Caring for Korah) can take on the huge task of gathering sponsorships on a larger scale and supporting their work. And pray for the men at ACDO that they do not grow weary of doing the work of the Lord.
As soon as our organization gets going-we will be seeking sponsorships for these children. Sponsorships will be $40.00 a month. Perhaps you can start praying about this opportunity-making room in your budget for it ahead of time. We will need at least 60 folks to step up the the plate on this. Is the Lord calling you to be a thread in this tapestry?
And finally-take a moment to step back and look at the tapestry the Lord is weaving in your life. Why does He have you where you are? Who has He allowed to cross your path? What is His purpose in doing so? He is big. He has a plan. Look for ways to bring Him glory in the middle of it.